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YAGP Finals 2019


ECC Huge Results in New York!

Still pinching ourselves! What an INCREDIBLE week at YAGP Finals! The 20th anniversary was only Elite Classical Coaching's second year as a company attending the finals! This year we had 6 soloists attend, 2 pas de deuxs, and 2 pas de trois.


So excited to say that Ava Arbuckle, 14 WON SECOND PLACE JR FEMALES and was also named the 2019 Grishko Model Search Award Winner and will be the new face of Grishko! Aubri Parker, 11 placed TOP 12 PRE COMPETITIVE FEMALES! And Zander Magolnick, 13 placed TOP 20 JR MALES!


To put all of this into perspective, YAGP regional events consist of approximately 15,000 participants worldwide, vying for about 1,000 spots in the finals. A large, strong school MIGHT get 1-2 soloists invited to finals and then just to make it to Final Round is near impossible, let alone actually placing! In the last 20 years of YAGP, you can count on one hand how many people from DFW have ever made Final Round or placed in the Top 20 or higher and we did it with 3 of our 6 soloists! Our entire company only consists of 9 dancers and we had 7 attend the finals plus our alumni guest Kade Cummings. These results are unprecedented!


We are so blessed to have this opportunity and are so grateful for the ability to be here with the top talent in the entire world! It is beyond humbling to be a part of and to watch these hard working students achieve the impossible is ridiculously rewarding!


The second part of this competition is the ability to network and be connected with some of the leading ballet schools and companies in the world. Our students received the following official offers and also left with many connections and future job offers that have set them up for a professional career at an extremely young age!


Ava Arbuckle received scholarships/offers to Paris Opera Ballet, John Cranko School, Princess Grace Academy, American Ballet Theater, Dutch National Academy, and National Ballet of Canada.


Aubri Parker received scholarships/offers to: @bolshoiballetacademysi and @staatsballettberlin


Zander Magolnick and Graceanna Mackaron received scholarships/offers to: @houstonballet


Skylin Helms received scholarships/offers to @rockschooldance



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