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YAGP Finals 2021


Updated: Jan 25, 2022

Such an AMAZING week at YAGP Finals! This year, we had a record-breaking 100% of our soloists attend, as well as 2 pas de deuxs and 2 ensembles.

Awards: So excited to share that our Bella Meier (@bellammeier) and Zander Magolnick (@zandermagolnick) won 1ST PLACE CLASSICAL PAS DE DEUX with Bluebird Pas!! Bella Jones (@bellajones1127) won 2ND PLACE JUNIOR FEMALES! Adeline Dunlap (@adelinedunlap) placed TOP 12 PRECOMPETITIVE CLASSICAL! Zander Magolnick placed TOP 12 SENIOR MEN! Our ensemble, HasTEN, choreographed by Brian Stevens (@brian_s_10) placed TOP 12 ENSEMBLES! We also had 4 dancers advance to the FINAL ROUND! In addition to Bella Jones in Jr. Women and Zander Magolnick in Sr. Men, Bella Meier and Mimi Lamar (@_mimi_lamar_) also made it to the Jr. Women and Sr. Women final rounds respectively. Official Scholarship Offers: Bella Jones received scholarships/offers to: ABT JKO School, Miami City Ballet School, Canada's National Ballet School. Mimi Lamar received scholarships/offers to: Kansas City Ballet Trainee position, Colorado Ballet Academy Isabella Meier and Zander Magolnick received scholarships/offers to: Miami City Ballet School Ashton Cook (@ashtoncook29) received scholarships/offers to: Alberta Ballet School Additional Finalists: Kaylee Meinholdt (@kayleemeinholdt), Skylin Helms (@skylinhelms), Lola Mackiewicz (@lola_mack), Graceanna Mackaron (@graceannajane), Katie Kelley (@katie.kelley02) Thank You: We are so grateful for the opportunity to perform among the best, and to YAGP for not only helping our dancers to get back on stage but for all the opportunities provided to them! Thank you Larissa and Gennadi for everything you do for us and the dance world-words can’t describe our appreciation! Congratulations to all of our beautiful students and the rest of the dancers involved in finals! Thank you to all of our faculty and parents that have helped these students develop and keep going this past year and beyond! It was wonderful to go as a school and spend that time together after a challenging year-truly grateful!



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